November 9, 2014

Braids, twists, triangles

The back has triangle parts but I didn't get a pic of them. I stared the twists with braids about an inch down to help hold the twists at the roots :)

August 6, 2014

Braided sock bun

Simple style after banding her hair for 2 days. I didn't know what to do so I did my quick go to style :)

August 3, 2014

"Wet brush" review

For the past year or so I've used the Denman brush (modified) and loved it. Recently, I've been hearing about a brush called the wet brush and people raving about it from straight hair to extremely curly. My sister actually bought this brush for herself and I said I'd try it out and if I like it then buy our own. So tonight I had my first chance to use it on baby girl's hair and I must say it was pretty nice! I detangle in sections, starting with finger detangling, then combing, then running a brush thru. I love how it slid thru her hair like cutting soft butter. It didn't make a bunch of snapping noise from breaking hair. The one thing I didn't like was with my daughters hair I like to run the brush thru at every angle and this brush was a little hard to keep her thick curls in the brush with it upside down and sideways (since the bristles are so flexible). It is also nice tho because the brush is one piece, unlike the denman where it will sometimes detach itself when using it (although I do like that feature for washing it). But I think this will be my next purchase once my sister takes off with hers!

July 26, 2014

Baby girl's hair

Just thought I'd post a picture of her hair wet and dry so everyone can get a feel what type she has and can better compare how products that work for us might work for u!

X braids with pigtails

The style is pretty self explanatory.  I started with the front section and divided into 4, then braided each section. Then I moved on to the back crossing one braid to the other side and keeping the lower one on the same side (same on other) and put 2 braids in the final pigtail.  I added some ballies for weight so the braids didn't stick straight out

July 13, 2014

Different mohawk

This was a fairly quick, simple style that I'm hoping will last close to 2 weeks. I plan on changing the mohawk part a bit before I take it out just for a different look.

Bee mine deep conditioner review

I'm not new to this product line but it's been a while since I've used the deep conditioner (about 2 years and baby girl's hair has changed alot since then!)...I took out her box braids she had in for about 2 weeks and washed her hair with this deep conditioner. It smells like their coconut cream scent, which I like alot. It did not provide good slip for us to detangle, so thankfully I did most of the detangling while taking her braids out. I let it sit in her hair for 5-10 mins once I was finished with her whole head, which was about a 30 min process. When rinsing out I could definitely feel how soft her hair was (while still in braids from sectioning while detangling to prevent tangling back up). I ended up using half of the 8oz container tho cuz her hair was just soaking it all in, and at $18 I'm a bit upset about this. So I'm only going to get one more use of this product...I do love how soft it made her hair, but at the price and amount we used I don't think I will buy again. I would probally recommend it to someone with more fine, silky hair, or very short hair.

June 29, 2014

The shrinkage is real!

Decided to see how long baby girl's curls are stretched out (left end curl)...I was shocked! Shrinkage is crazy 

June 22, 2014

"Olive oil girls' review

I found these while browsing the hair aisle at cub foods, smelled them and figured why not lol. They were about $5 each if I recall far I'm very pleased with this purchase. The conditioner smells wonderful and it's super creamy!! It's a bit thin and runny but it worked well. I felt like I used a lot in 1 wash but it was only about an inch loss in the bottle so not bad. It provided some good slip which is a must for us...after washing and detangling her hair I ran the moisturizer thru her hair and did 2 french braids. It went thru her hair good and was nice and creamy too and smelled great! I left the braids in for a week and when I took then out her hair was so soft. I will for sure buy the moisturizer again, unsure about the conditioner since I have other favorites,  but I definitely recommend these products.

"Silken child" deep conditioner review

This product I found at sally's on a search for a nice cheap deep conditioner. It was about $3. I'm not set on buying it again but it does the job. The smell is decent, it had enough slip but could have been better. I used a lot in each section in order to detangle her hair. I'll give it ☆☆☆ cuz it works but I prefer aussie 3 minute miracle and macadamia deep mask over everything I've used so far!

"Dream kids" conditioner review

I found this at sally's for a few dollars and decided to give it a try based on price and smells awesome!! I was so excited to go home and try it out on baby girl's hair. Well, it didn't go as wonderfully as planned. It was not thick, creamy, or slippery.  I was so disappointed. I tried small sections and a hand full of conditioner and still nothing, there was no way her hair was getting detangled with this. Thank goodness I had bought a different brand as well to use. I'd guess it might work ok for loose, fine curls, but definitely not tight, thick ones. It's also a leave in, but I didn't even bother to try it that way. All in all, I'm not a fan.

June 20, 2014

"Totally twisted" review

In the past I've used herbal essence hello hydration and it did the job well. I recently seen they have one for curly hair and decided to give it a try as well. It was about $4 and works above and beyond pricey salon brand products! It provided loads of slip, which is a must in this household! It smells amazing and lasts after's a bit difficult to hold and squeeze out tho since it's so big and heavy, but I do have small hands as well, so it's probably not going to be a problem for everyone. This is probably going to be my new go to cheap conditioner, I have been on the hunt for a nice cheap one for a while now since we use so much I hate to spend over $5 on something that won't even last a I'll say if you like hello hydration, I'll give a safe bet totally twisted will be amazing for you as well!

"Cara b" review!

I just purchased these last week to try on both kids hair and I LOVE! They ran about $10 each at Walgreens. They both have a similar light scent that I can't really describe, I'm not a real fan of it but it's not gross...the moisture cream was a bit heavy for my 9 month old but it worked very good! It was a bit light for my daughter's hair and wasn't the easiest to smooth thru her thick hair, but I'm willing to give it another shot lol. The moisture spray worked very good for keeping her styles moisturized! I'm glad I have an in store spray that I love now. Before we always used "bee mine juicy" but I hate waiting for it to arrive in the mail and paying for shipping on top of the already pricey product...I'm going to give these 2 Cara b products ☆☆☆☆! I see myself purchasing these again!

"As I am" review

I have tried their co-wash and loved it, so I decided to try another one of their products. I bought the leave in conditioner a couple months ago and it's about half gone but have still yet to decide if I'll buy it again or not. It smells amazing to me and detangles well, but it doesn't provide a whole lot of moisture for baby girl's hair. It does work well with a heavier moisturizer used with it tho. For a leave in it is a bit pricier, about $10 if I remember correctly. I'll give it ☆☆☆'s not bad, just not my favorite. I'll add as well tho that my daughter's hair has different textures and curl patterns and it does work very good on the the hair around the outside of her head, which is silkier and 3c-4a curls (where as the middle of her hair is very thick and dry 4b-4c curls)

"It's a curl" review!

I purchased these 2 items a couple months ago for my little man, who is now 9 months old! His hair started curling at about 6 months old and getting a bit dry in the back so I decided to give these a try. I love that they both have a light, clean, baby scent. The shampoo gets a nice lather, which I like and it's also tear free (he doesn't sit still great so it definitely gets in his face and he has no problems). The moisturizer is a liquid,  which I wasn't expecting, but it's perfect for his hair. His curls are loose and very fine still so this works great for us. I give it ☆☆☆☆☆! We will be using these till his hair needs a bit more.

June 18, 2014

Zigzag protective style

Started with zigzag part down the middle of her head, then braided down sections and braided the loose ones together and binded in the back.  Quick, neat,  simple style :)

May 21, 2014

Simple braids and beads style

After her hair being in a poof for her dance recital all weekend I decided to do a simple protective style...I started with a deep condition and then used kids ”curls” products to style (moisture spray, custard, and oil). I actually have yet to decide if I actually like the custard for her hair, it doesn't seem to do much for moisture but I am head over heels for the cake smell lol... The beads I used I found at target a few days ago, they are actually rubber and amazing! They are so much easier to get over braids that are thicker in the back of her head. Also they seem like they wouldnt cause as much damage on the hair either. I always worry regular hard plastic beads will break her hair (I might just be weird tho lol)...anywho, I totally recommend them! :)

April 25, 2014

Easy summer hair

Not quite summer, but I love this style for warm weather! Simple and protective :)

March 23, 2014

1st flat iron!

Baby girl wanted straight hair so she can brush it, so I figured we could try it out...I followed ”beads braids and beyond” method. I first washed and deep conditioned her hair, then put leave in conditioner and oil in her hair and banded. The next day I put in 2 braided ponies for the day then flat ironed at night, only running the flat iron thru each section once. Took approx 20 mins and she loves it!... I plan on giving her a nice little trim while straightened too since she has some dry uneven ends

February 21, 2014

18 month growth comparison

Found an old picture of a similar style she has now to compare length. I must say, im shocked and very pleased :)

February 20, 2014

Braided pigtails

This is the last time I don't wash her hair before styling. Holy tangles! I took a ”before and after” shot of her hair so you can get a feel what I was working with lol...she wore it in a puff the last 2 days so it was super dry as well. I cannot wait for the winter air to be gone! But her hair turned out pretty cute :)

January 10, 2014

New year, new style

I've been slacking on baby girls styles lately so I finally got down to business while my little man was sleeping. I washed baby girls hair and used darcy's botanicals products to style