February 8, 2016

Review: as I am, so much moisture

I read amazing reviews and thought it would be great for my daughter! I don't have a picture due to I hated the bottle and transferred it into a spray bottle instead. It is not a cream at all, it's liquid and was very hard for me to apply to her hair. It had no slip at all and didn't seen to moisturize at all...i am saving it for the summer months tho since I think the lack of moisture retention is due to the ingredients that are supposed to draw in moisture (can't remember what it's called). I think this product is doing the opposite in these dry winter months and taking the moisture from her hair and putting it into the air...I'll have an update in a few more months!...I won't say I dislike this product yet, and the smell is good, so I hope I like it in the summer

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