August 6, 2014

Braided sock bun

Simple style after banding her hair for 2 days. I didn't know what to do so I did my quick go to style :)

August 3, 2014

"Wet brush" review

For the past year or so I've used the Denman brush (modified) and loved it. Recently, I've been hearing about a brush called the wet brush and people raving about it from straight hair to extremely curly. My sister actually bought this brush for herself and I said I'd try it out and if I like it then buy our own. So tonight I had my first chance to use it on baby girl's hair and I must say it was pretty nice! I detangle in sections, starting with finger detangling, then combing, then running a brush thru. I love how it slid thru her hair like cutting soft butter. It didn't make a bunch of snapping noise from breaking hair. The one thing I didn't like was with my daughters hair I like to run the brush thru at every angle and this brush was a little hard to keep her thick curls in the brush with it upside down and sideways (since the bristles are so flexible). It is also nice tho because the brush is one piece, unlike the denman where it will sometimes detach itself when using it (although I do like that feature for washing it). But I think this will be my next purchase once my sister takes off with hers!