July 26, 2014

Baby girl's hair

Just thought I'd post a picture of her hair wet and dry so everyone can get a feel what type she has and can better compare how products that work for us might work for u!

X braids with pigtails

The style is pretty self explanatory.  I started with the front section and divided into 4, then braided each section. Then I moved on to the back crossing one braid to the other side and keeping the lower one on the same side (same on other) and put 2 braids in the final pigtail.  I added some ballies for weight so the braids didn't stick straight out

July 13, 2014

Different mohawk

This was a fairly quick, simple style that I'm hoping will last close to 2 weeks. I plan on changing the mohawk part a bit before I take it out just for a different look.

Bee mine deep conditioner review

I'm not new to this product line but it's been a while since I've used the deep conditioner (about 2 years and baby girl's hair has changed alot since then!)...I took out her box braids she had in for about 2 weeks and washed her hair with this deep conditioner. It smells like their coconut cream scent, which I like alot. It did not provide good slip for us to detangle, so thankfully I did most of the detangling while taking her braids out. I let it sit in her hair for 5-10 mins once I was finished with her whole head, which was about a 30 min process. When rinsing out I could definitely feel how soft her hair was (while still in braids from sectioning while detangling to prevent tangling back up). I ended up using half of the 8oz container tho cuz her hair was just soaking it all in, and at $18 I'm a bit upset about this. So I'm only going to get one more use of this product...I do love how soft it made her hair, but at the price and amount we used I don't think I will buy again. I would probally recommend it to someone with more fine, silky hair, or very short hair.